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Admission Details

If your child was born between 1st September 2013 and 31st August 2014 (in Year 6 2024/25), they will transfer to secondary school in September 2025. This is an important time for children and their families.

Bolton Local Authority manages and coordinates the school admission process for every secondary school in Bolton (apart from independent fee-paying schools) and schools in neighbouring areas. The Admission to Secondary School Booklet (see link below) is designed to help you with the process of applying for a school place. It sets out the basic process to be followed and provides important information on the admission criteria and how places were allocated at schools for previous years. 

If you live within the borough, you will need to complete an online application form to express a preference for a school in Bolton or a school in another Local Authority. The process is relatively straightforward, and an email offer will be sent in March 2023. You can express a preference for up to three schools, and we advise you to use all three preferences.

The closing date for applications is Thursday 31st October 2024. Offer emails will be sent out on Friday 1st March 2025.

 How to apply

If you’d like to apply for a place at Harper Green High School, you must indicate your preference on the Local Authority application form. To apply online, click here >

Alternatively, if you need free, independent, and impartial support to help you with the admissions process, please contact the Admissions Team on 01204 332 137.

Frequently asked questions about applying online

1.    How do I apply for a secondary school place at a school outside Bolton?

 If you want to apply for a secondary school place in another authority, you can still apply online using this facility.

2.    When can I use the online system?

The online system is available seven days a week. However, you will only be able to apply online for a school place up to the date set as the deadline for applications. If you miss that deadline and still want to apply, you will need to contact the admissions team. 

3.    Will my details and those of my child be secure?

Yes, the system is very safe and has a series of security procedures. You will have to set up an account using an email address and then provide your child's details. 

4.    What details will be requested on the online application?

You will need an email address and your child's details to start the application.

5.    If I can't finish the application in one go, can I save it and recall it later?

Yes, you can recall your application, but only before the closing date.  

6.    Having submitted an electronic application, will I be able to change my mind?

Yes, you can make changes right up until the closing date. You must remember to re-submit your application form each time you make a change.

7.    How will I know that the amendments have been logged?

Every time you re-submit the online application, you will receive an email notification confirming the status of your application. You can also check the status when you log into the system. 

8.    Will I be told the result of my application electronically?

An email will be sent telling you the outcome of your application on the date specified in the admissions timetable. 

9.    How do I access the online system?

The online application system is available through the Council's website at www.bolton.gov.uk/admissions

10. What do I need to be able to apply online?

You will need to have an email address, and you will need to register this on the school admissions portal. 

11. What do I do if I live outside Bolton?

If you live outside of Bolton and wish to apply for a school place in Bolton, you must make an application to your home Local Authority. 

Further information and notes of guidance about how to apply online can be found on the Bolton Council Website.

Children with an Education, Health and Care Plan

If your child has an Education, Health & Care Plan, your child's primary school will discuss secondary school placements at your child's review in either year 5 or 6. You will receive a preference form for secondary school. You should apply online or complete the paper form and return it by Thursday 31st October 2024.

If you are considering a place at a secondary special school for your child, this will have been discussed at your child's annual review. You can identify your preference of special school on the form, but you also need to identify your preference for a mainstream school in case your child is not offered a special school place.

Visit www.bolton.gov.uk/admissions for more information.

Timetable for admission to secondary school 2025

1. At the end of the summer holidays, in August 2024, the secondary school admission portal opens for parents/carers to apply online for a secondary school place. The admission booklet is also available online.

2. In September/October 2024, schools will hold open events where parents/carers will have the chance to visit the schools they are interested in. Further information about these can be gained directly from the school.

3. The 31st October 2024 is the closing date for applications to be submitted. Online applications must be submitted by the end of the day. The website will also close at the end of this day.

4. The 1st March 2025 (or next working day) is the national offer day. Emails offering places will be sent out to parents/carers, informing them of the school they have been allocated. Appeal forms will be made available online for any child who has not received a place at their preferred school.

5. The end of March 2025 is the last date for appeals to be lodged. These will be heard in the first round of appeals. Additional appeals lodged after this date may be heard later in June/July.

6. Between March 2025 and autumn 2025, children who have not been offered a place at their chosen school will automatically be added to the schools' waiting list.

7. At the end of April/May/June 2025 school appeals will be heard.

8. In September 2025, the school term starts.

Note: this timetable only applies to parents/carers residing in the Bolton Council area. Please be advised that if you live outside the Bolton area, the timetable may differ. 

Transferring your child between secondary schools

If your child is already at secondary school in Bolton and you want to transfer to another Bolton secondary school, you will need to complete the 'In-Year Transfer Form'. Your child's current school must complete part of the form. When the form is fully complete, please return it to Pupil and Student Services. Forms are available to download on the Bolton Council website or from the One Stop Shop, Town Hall.

Once your child has started Year 10, schools will not accept any child wanting to move from one school in Bolton to another school in Bolton. All such applications will be referred to the 'In- Year Fair Access Panel', which comprises all secondary school head teachers in Bolton. Only in very exceptional circumstances will the agreement be given for a child to change between Bolton schools. This is to make sure the child's success at GCSE is not compromised.

Visit www.bolton.gov.uk/admissions for more information. 

Admission criteria

The school will consider all applications for places without reference to the order in which the school is expressed as a preference. Where the school receives fewer applications/preferences than the admission number it will offer places to all those applicants. Where more applications are received than the admission number, the school will use the admission criteria below to rank applications.

Children who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) will be offered places first. The following criteria will then apply: 


  1. All schools must have oversubscription criteria for each ‘relevant age group’ and
    the highest priority must be given, unless otherwise provided in this Code, to looked
    after children and all previously looked after children, including those children who
    appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside of England
    and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted. Previously looked after
    children are children who were looked after but ceased to be so because they were
    adopted (or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship
    order). All references to previously looked after children mean such children who were
    adopted (or subject to child arrangements orders or special guardianship orders)
    immediately following having been looked after and those children who appear
    (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased
    to be in state care as a result of being adopted. Oversubscription criteria must then
    be applied to all other applicants in the order set out in the arrangements.
  2. Children for whom there is a child protection plan or has been within a 12 month period. A Child Protection Plan is one which is made under Section 47 of the Children Act 1989
  3. Children who will have older siblings in Years 7 to 11 of the preferred school at the date of application and the date of admission. Siblings can include full, step, half, foster and adopted brothers and sisters living at the same address.
  4. Children, who suffer from a medical condition or disability which makes it better to them to attend the school rather than another. Places will only be offered under this criterion if the child has certified medical condition with strong professional supporting evidence confirming that existing exceptional problems with the child's health would be seriously exacerbated if a place were not made at the preferred school. Medical evidence must be provided at the time of application. Parents applying under the criteria must provide a letter from the child's GP/Consultant setting out the reasons why the school is the most suitable school and details of the    child's medical condition. Medical evidence must be submitted by 31 October 2024. Evidence received after this date will not be taken into consideration.
  5. Proximity (where you live)

Children who live nearest the school (geographical proximity). Under this category, the remaining places will be offered to children who live nearest the preferred school. The distance will be measured in a straight line using Routefinder, a computerised mapping system which measures from the home address point to the designated main entrance to the school. 


If after measuring distances it is still not possible to decide on the child(ren) to be offered admission (for example two children living in the same block of flats or in the same house), the Local Authority's system of a random draw will determine which of the children can be offered a place. The draw will take place at the Local Authority's offices and the name(s) will be drawn by a Local Authority Officer who is independent of the admissions process.

Where a single place remains at a school and the application being considered is for twins etc. the council will allocate above the admission number to accommodate each child.